
So welcome to the world of couponing! There are many ways to organize your coupons! It just depends on your organizational method!

  1. Envelopes are a method that I have seen mentioned in a book I read about couponing! Organize your envelopes by writing stuff such as "Laundry supplies, Cleaning, Supplies, etc"
  2. Accordion Files are another way. Organize the coupons on the file tops by the same method as above.
  3. An index card box is also an effective method. You organize them like the above two or in alphabetical order.
All of the above ways ARE effective...HOWEVER I find the most effective way for me to organize mine are through what I call "The Coupon Binder."

What you will need:

  • A Binder--preferably one that will zip! You can use the ones that do not zip, but you risk the chance of losing coupons or other things!
  • Baseball card organizers--The only place I have been able to find these are at Hobby Lobby. They will run you about 5 bucks a pack! Our local Walmart does not carry them.
  • Calculator--A cheap one will do the trick!
  • Notepad--I use the yellow ones!
  • A few pens
  • Page Dividers--You can find these at one of the dollar stores or Walmart!

Since I know this is kind of a lot to do... especially for people are working 40 hours a week.. I am going to start selling coupon binders for $35.00! They come with EVERYTHING above! I also do the dividers and organize it! I will even include that week's coupons from the newspaper! If you are interested in purchasing one please get in touch with me via email or facebook! :)

Once you have what you're going to be carrying your coupons in, you need to organize them! I have my coupons organized by different categories such as MEATS, BAKING, CLEANING, GROOMING....etc. then inside of the sections I classify by expiration date.

I usually take 4 hours on Sunday to clip, cut, and sort my coupons! I know this sounds crazy... but you can really easily do this while watching TV or cooking dinner! ;)